All Ears on Addiction: An NAATP Podcast

Colors of Recovery - Philip Rutherford

National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers Season 1 Episode 1

For the inaugural episode of Colors of Recovery, Zina and Tania interview Philip Rutherford, Chief Operating Officer at Faces & Voices of Recovery and new member of the NAATP Board of Directors. Phil shares his experiences being a Black man in the addiction treatment profession, insights about the obstacles and incentives for implementing DEI practices in recovery organizations, thoughts about Black History Month and recovery legacies, and what gives him hope for the future.


Philip Rutherford is the Chief Operating Officer at Faces & Voices of Recovery. He is a recovery coach, a passionate member of the Recovery Community and possesses a self-described Doctorate from the school of Hard Knocks. As COO, he is responsible for multiple lines of business within the Faces & Voices ecosystem. Phil is credited with a significant role in conception, design, launch and facilitation of the Recovery Data Platform (RDP). This cloud-based platform is the first of its kind and has quickly become a valuable asset in longitudinal data collection for Peer-Based Services.

Thank you to our episode sponsor, Webconsuls!

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